Rwandese boy excels in Zim refugee camp
25 / 09 / 2017Rwandese schoolboy goes from rags to riches Watch the heartwarming story of a Rwandese schoolboy whose parents survived the 1984 genocide...
Rwandese schoolboy goes from rags to riches Watch the heartwarming story of a Rwandese schoolboy whose parents survived the 1984 genocide...
School children roped into fight to protect wetlands It is crucial for a society to involve children in the protection of...
From sticks and stones to professional athletes Watch 65-year old Tavenganiswa Mabikacheche spread the love of golf throughout Zimbabwe. Mabikacheche teaches...
Children in remote areas to miss free cleft lip surgery Statistics show that one in every 800 children in Zimbabwe is...
Street Children Hit the Right Notes Watch two men in Masvingo give street children music lessons. Their hope is that these...
Watch a boy from Chiundura empower himself economically through selling vegetables. He dug a 3 meters deep well at the...
The fight against child marriages is not only for women, since it is the girl child that is in most...
In an inspirational case of philanthropy, former Mukamba Secondary School students, formed an association in 2014 to rescue their ailing...
The video is about women in Nkayi who have organised themselves into groups and embarked on a mission to save...
Masvingo vendors speak out
While the unemployment rate is skyrocketing, the informal sector particularly Vendors, is at loggerheads with local authorities amid attempts to...