Sineke Sibanda

Sineke Sibanda is a 22 year old young man currently doing his Second year in Journalism and Media Studies with the National University of Science and Technology, (Bulawayo, Zimbabwe). He has a keen interest in Digital Media and Investigative Journalism. He aspires to be a documentary producer of some of the mind boggling documentaries in the world in the near future. He is part and founder of a students’ magazine at NUST called Campus Moments. He enjoys socializing, meeting new people and playing basketball. He also spends a lot of time thinking because he enjoys it too and he has a simple belief that the best investment one can ever make for themself is in their thoughts. His modest philosophy about life in general is that there is no point to living life if it is not to make other people happy.


date of birth 01 / 05 / 1993
course 2015
type Trainee